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Little selfie sketch of Charlene...and...I kinda screwed her breasts up (ark, hindsight >,<")

I wanted to draw something cute with her, hence the silly look on her face :)

The beg elements are tones. Originally I didn't want to overlap the leafs with her head. but when applying the tones it kinda looked pretty. So I left it that way.

Hope you like it :)

Also, sorry for the missing update yesterday. I planned on getting another Sunday out but couldn't swing it. I'll try to provide a double update next week :) 




Love the freckles! I wonder what could illicit that attentive look on her face? Could it be some unwelcome spam? As far as the boobs, no problem here.

Nick Klepac

Looks great to me. Yup, she wonderfully normal to me.


Thank you :) Either that or why her selfie self looks so different to her mirror self (I'm always asking that myself XD