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Guess who's back in North Dakota!?! And all it took was a non-stop 24h drive @_@ (Never again, I tell you...)

Good part about that is, I'm finally home and have my proper space back (yay) and hopefully the freedom to do my own work schedule again. 'in SECURITY' will keep on going bi-daily until the end of June and by July we will be back with daily updates. (Also no update tomorrow, sadly ;A;)

'Kitten'...is still questionable. I hope I'll be back to weekly updates by the middle of the month. But I'm not banking on it yet. 

Patreon should be straighten itself out too within the next couple weeks...I know, I said that earlier too. But unlike last time, there are no surprise travels or events coming our ways for the next couple months. So I hope I get some peace and time to get back to doing art ^^

Thanks for your support and have a cutesy Mino as a token of my appreciation :)





Glad y'all made it home safely. Take as much time as you need

Brandon Mercer

This is a very cute sketch of Mino :3

Nick Klepac

Glad you guys are home and safe. Cute Mino!


Dawwww, Mino looks so cute!~💖

Steven Smith

Thanks for the updates. Enjoy getting cozy back in your own space! :)


Glad you made it back. Don’t hurry, take your time. We, your devoted fans, will be patient. Hope all your outcomes were for the best.


Thanks for the update, and glad you're home safe. 🙏🏻👍🏻

Serra Britt

Very cute Mino! Also I am sure that you will be able to handle anything that you feel up to, but please don't overdo it :)

Joran Mueller

I was just reading some spooky soties on reddit at 3am and I needed something cute to calm me down, the notification came at just the right time, I also relate to the nonstop 24hr drive, we had shift going between me my older brother and my parents on a trip to Texas, Not fun. Glad you made it home safe and I can't wit for more updates


Please don't abandon Mino! It's the main reason I started my support. Don't kill our neko... EDIT: Welcome back and take care...


Thank you. Yeah, I'm glad to be back too. It's just not easy to wind down at someone else's place ^^"


Thank you. I still have to get back to your email, btw. Not ignoring you. I just didn't find the time properly reading and replying yet ^^"


Thank you and I appreciate your concern. I think I will be doing fine. I just need a bit of retreat space and alone time...and better scheduling/planning abilities xD But I'll make it work somehow :)


omg, I love these stories. Although I'm lazy and listen to YouTube channels reading them for me XD Anyway, yeah, it was tough. especially since my husband couldn't switch with me. My chair was adjusted forward to make room for some furniture piece and he could've never fit in there. So he had to pull through all alone. In hint sight that's really dangerous and I'm not sure what got into us to do that in the first place. We we're worried someone would rip-off our trailer at a motel. But stolen goods are not on the same level as endangering us. I hope next time we are a bit more sensible ^^")


Thank you and don't worry. I'm not planning on dropping either comic at this point. As a matter of fact, I still have ideas for about 70 episodes (according to my notes). So we aren't going anywhere too soon. Only issue I don't know when I return to a weekly schedule. I hope within the next two weeks. but I'm not sure yet ^^"

Joran Mueller

XD I also am lazy and listen to YouTube channels reading the stories. Well atleast you both made it back safe, one way to prevent a trailer being stolen is to not only badlock it to your vehicle but get a padlock with an alarm, and a GPS tracking device for inside the trailer, if the lock is ever cut it let's out an alarm loud enough to rival a car alarm and the newer ones can even notify you on your phone. Technology these days is crazy!


I understand, Bea. You and your husband have a lot on your plate yet. No rush. When you do have time to view them, let me know if all the photos got to you OK as I had some trouble sending them (there should be 3 parts). Thanks, and God bless. 👍🏻

John Bray

Stuff happens. Take care of yourself. All the best, A fan of Kitten


I like this. I like this a lot.