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...not gonna lie but I have no idea what I was thinking when I drew this XD

I wanted to draw Sedine with braids but somehow...I added some mountain landscape and...here we are ^^"

It's kinda cute, tho




It is very cute


It works, Sedine just wanted a hike around some mountains

Nick Klepac

Very nice, love the braids.


Braids are the best.

Julius J. Marold

It is cute but the angel wing? This is the same Sedine who's currently driving a big rig all over the country with Charlene and Gabby? The handbag is kind of young for her but why not?

Serra Britt

Twin braids are the best hair style. FIGHT ME.

Michael Minnott

With that background you should have had Sedine dressed like Julie Andrews from The Sound of Music. <iframe allowfullscreen="" frameborder="0" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/6f0T6UV-HiI" width="560"></iframe>