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because...I have no sense for time XD

These are the sketches I did for this month and wanted to post through out. however, I don't really have too good of a sense of time to begin with and since my current routine is totally broken It's even weirder for me to keep up with my schedule. Not throwing a pity party. I just find it hard keeping on schedule with my current work and ultimately, I can't wait being back home. But that seems to be out of option until June. So, let's make the best out of it ^^"

Four sketches and...not really much to say about them. The first one was just meant to be a cutesy little scene. As you know, I like bunny outfit....but I also like over sized shirts X3

Mino and the Pumpkin was a motif of the prompt list. This time, 'Fall outfit'. I wanted to put her into a rather dopey sweater outfit and...I'm pleased to learn that she can totally swing a bright green pullover with silly leaf stitchings (I'm so jealous since this very outfit would make me look like some hobo-clown. Oof >.<")

This sketch was more or less an experiment. I wanted to draw a feather boa with Posca...I think it turned out pretty nice (even though I had a hell of a time to stay motivated since the drawing process was rather frustrating :/)

And lastly, a galaxy motif with Ellie. Like the third sketch, this was an experiment with tones and...I'm not too happy with it. Ellie and the BG worked out fine (heck, I even got the light areas of the tones lined up with the shine of the star!) Where things fell apart are...with the veil ribbon on her back. I overlaid that with a white dotted tone sheet. But....it just created fuzz and not really a light overlay. Well, the more you learn, I guess ^^

I hope you like the sketches. Sorry that I pile them up like this. I try to schedule things better in the next months :)  



Julius J. Marold

They;re fine Bea. You're doing good. Take your time and don't burn out. Don't be overly concerned about keeping on schedule, I think all of your patrons understand. Take care and I hope Mr. H is doing well too.

Nick Klepac

Looking great! I know you criticize yourself about your schedule and not meeting your own self-imposed deadlines, and no matter what I say, you will in all probability continue to do so. I would think your solution is to make your plan and trim off about 25% of the work load for breathing room or extend your planned time with mandatory "fun" and "off" time. The world will not end for want of 25%.

Serra Britt

Self-care first! At least that what people keep telling me to do XD

Serra Britt

In regards to the pictures though, I think they are all just lovely~!


Thank you so much ;0; I feel like I'm a broken record and repeating myself. But it's such an honor getting the support we are receiving for our project and I truly enjoy making content. But I feel obligated to upload stuff and it upsets me when I can't find the time to make stuff :/ I appreciate the kind words, tho ^^


true. Actually, that is the case right now. 'in SECURITY' and 'kitten' are both on half schedule and Patreon doesn't get as much content as I like to either. So it's not like I'm adding more to my plate. I think I'm just not comfy where I am at the moment (I miss my drawing and doodling couch back home) and we have to help and adjust to the schedule of my in law. Not that I'm against that last part. I mean, we are not here on vacation. But it does take out of your daily life. Don't worry, I whine and gripe a lot. but I think my main issue is just bad time management ._."


I mean, it's a good advice (just hard to follow sometimes ^^") But I appreciate that. Thank you and I'm happy you like the artwork :)

Nick Klepac

Still praying for you guys. Hopefully, you can return home soon.

Serra Britt

Yeah, I get in the "Uhhh, I've been working for four hours and I should take a break? Are you sure? You mean I should have taken one two hours ago?" >_>;;