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This sketch was only made because...I found this old roll of Washi tape. I bought it back in Germany, nearly a decade ago. Back then I didn't really know where to get Washi tape. So I ordered some random pack from Amazon because they were cheap and the preview picture looked like they had cute designs. Well....most of the design were rather weird and the tape was made of plastic film and not paper. So I ended up not using those for art...

I dunno what happened to most of them. Some I kept, other's I threw out. This one, with the mail design, I stored away. I guess I planned on using it to seal letters and forgot about it XD

While sorting out some of my art supplies I found it again and....it's actually rather cute. So I ended up thinking of a motif to use it for and...here ya go. What an inspiring tale of me and my cheap not so washi tape XD

 I really like this sketch, btw. Especially the dark tights on Sedine. I used a brown prismacolor maker for those and...I was a bit worried because I don't like those dark makers too much. I feel like they are hard to control because lighter makers you can layer over and over again until you have the desired shade. dark makers on the other hand....one stroke and it might already be too dark of a hue >,<

So I tend to be rather reserved and careful (or try avoiding those dark colors all together). however...it turned out rather pretty. As a matter of fact, I don't find it that dark of a shade after all....oh well, whatever. Not sure if it really matters what I'm babbling. I hope you like the artwork ^^



Nick Klepac

Love the legs and the dark tights. The shading is amazing.


I agree; the shading turned out great! Nice work, Bea; and thanks for posting!

Serra Britt

I think it turned out great! I have to agree as well, the dark color for the tights turned out wonderfully!