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two sketches I still had in the cue but since the month is nearly over I might as well send them out so you get your money's worth :)

The Sedine one is a bit...default (and I'm a bit ashamed it looks so similar to the devil sketch from earlier this month >.<

As you may know, I like drawing bunny girls and this was actually a fairly old sketch I just colored a couple weeks ago. Well, and pink is a color I just really like to use. so....it's more a comfort motif than a creative one. I hope that makes sense ^^"

the second sketch shows how awesome Posca pen are. I redid that blue BG several times because I didn't like how the colors and patterns worked out. Oof. 

I think after several layers of comic and and Posca...it turned out quite well.

A little bit of a cutesy motif. It's kinda weird, Sam and Sedine are hardly seen with their cellphones. Rupert's too but...somehow I consider it as a key item of his...Also, fun fact, his phone is pink because that is one of the first colors in the 'kitten'-pallet on CSP (I use it for Mino's blush) and when looking for a color for the phone I felt it's better than black/white/grey. Dunno why, but it kinda suits him ^///^

hope you like them.



Jesse Miller

Love them! Such nice colors. Awesome work!

Nick Klepac

Love it, very nice. Sedine always looks great in pink. Love how cute you make Mino, she is so pretty.

Serra Britt

I will never ever EVER complain about a bunny girl drawing from you! You already know I have a weakness for them too XD This reminds me that I still need to draw my own... Mino and Rupert just make such a cute pair, no matter what.