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Little late but in exchange you get a bitter load of WIPs. ^^

I think I mentioned it before but just in case, this arc was based on our own experiences on a Tokyo trip back in the early 2010's. Although I can proudly say neither me nor my husband were so ignorant to mistake the Buddhist symbol with the Hakenkreuz of WW2...although I admit I was very happy that we had a few good photos of that temple to use here. In Germany you get educated about WW2 and the crimes the Nazis did quite well and....drawing a symbol like this (although it's not the actual Hakenkreuz)  is rather uncomfortable (as it should be, imo)

Not much to say about the train strip except....my boy mob in his full glory (I'm so looking forward for the third season of this show....even though there doesn't seem to be a clear release date...darn it XD)

The pizza incident...happened nearly like this. We went to a small restaurant (I think it was called 'California Garden' and was nearby our hotel. I remember it quite well because there were some Canadians on the table next to us loudly complaining over the wine being chilled...oh, and we experienced a small earthquake XD. The pizza itself was....interesting, I guess. Not the same like in the US. But still quite cool.

Shibuya with it's trendy stores...I admit...I lacked the budget to go shopping there XD But it still was worth the visit and the view.

Golden Gai....ok, this actually did happen to us too, nearly 1:1. Before we went to Golden Gai we went to a restaurant and were rather dressed up. We duck through an alleyway to get faster to the bar and there were two dudes throwing punches at each other. Hubby got a little defensive because he thought those were two guys out for trouble. But, nope, just two silly drunk dudes goofing around. And, yes, you'r truly did get called 'Hime' (I wore a long gothic dress...I blame that :P) Also, nostalgic cameo of Johnny and Yosaku from 'One Piece' who I chose for the two drunks...I kinda miss 'One Piece' of the earlier days....

Billy's bar was (or is) and actual place and last time we checked it was still there. That place was the second bar I approached (the first didn't accept foreigners). this one was rather nice, a very sweet bartender who spoke a little English. But even with my husband's small Japanese knowledge....we had to use the drawing pad here and there. It was still a rather pleasant visit overall :)

Like with many of the Japan strips, we used a lot of BG material, either remade tones or GCI and photos that were filtered. That's actually a technique I still use quite often in 'Kitten' because it safes me a lot of time and looks better than when I try to draw more unique and detailed BGs. Although a certain guilt is there. It's just so....effortless compared to drawing the environment myself @0@   



Julius J. Marold

A little info: "There is no scholarly consensus on the genesis of the swastika, which may be simply described as an equilateral cross, bent ninety degrees at each arm. Variously, it may appear as left-facing, right-facing, and/or with the addition of dots or other decorative flourishes." Back in Sanskrit days, it was considered "auspicious".

Mike K.

Watch the ‘Kolchak: The Night Stalker’ episode “The Horror In The Heights,” it briefly touches upon how the symbol had been appropriated. 🧟‍♂️✨