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My apologies for not posting this. I legit thought I had this scheduled but...nah XD

I made these as drafts for potential merchants designs. I like the one with the wool a lot (although I'm not sure if it would work the way I intend it to...)

The other one is a bit too clunky as of now. Guess if I ever go into production I'll commission my hubby to do the lettering ^^

But, yeah, far of the future projects. I do have some kitten keychains coming, tho. But I still need to weight them and figure out shipping costs before I put them up on sale. Thinking of making anything beyond them is a bit too bold. But I thought you might like to see these anyway :)

Hope you like them. And I'll dump a couple Christmas updates tomorrow ^^ 




Stop apologizing! We enjoy your work and don't have a timetable to hold you to. We are blessed whenever a new one appears and I doubt anyone enjoys you beating yourself up over something that really doesn't matter to us.


I'm sorry, I can't help it ;A; People plot their hard earned money here so I do kinda owe them content. If I fail I need a beating up over this but...yeah, I get your point ._."

Nick Klepac

I agree, you are doing great. So much to see between GoComics, Webtoons and Patreon. We are not bored or feeling left out.

Nick Klepac

I really love these two, so cute. I also absolutely adore todays post on Webtoons Kitten page. Really great lead up, great art. When I first met you I hated cats, now I love them. Thank you! See old men can change!

Serra Britt

I would absolutely buy one of those Mino keychains wrapped up in yarn, and use it XD

Serra Britt

Bea I mean yes and no, I have been also paying someone on Patreon who hasn't updated anything for months and I will continue to do so because her comic is so top-notch. Yes, the extra stuff is wonderful but I would do it anyway here because I feel the same way about your comic!


yes, another one successfully converted XD. Thank you. I appreciate that and I'm happy your like it :)