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And more WIPs, Can't forget about these, right (especially since we are so far behind, still ;A;)

The end of the movie shot and Sam's disappointing (yet important) role. We wanted to give this arc a more positive spin between Sam and Sedine. so we had her be overly supportive...which is a good thing, imo :P

I kinda like how she gives him a heads up for his one liner and celebrates that measly paycheck he received for his role. You gotta stay positive, right? :)

This arc also folded right into the Japan arc, a story we had planned since the beginning of this comic (as you can tell, we are huge weeds XD)

Although we didn't plan it like this. it kinda just...happened <,<

Micha saying 'Lame' is probably my favorite drawing of her's. I dunno, she's just really cute there :) 



Nick Klepac

I loved Sedine's sad face when she though Toby died. I really liked her positive attitude. But that is Sedine, always looking at the bright side.


Sedine was great in this series, I kinda wish she got her lunch box signed. This was fun to read.