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And a colored sketch for you.

One of the upcoming 'Kitten' episodes features a panel on a merchant both, selling gingerbread hearts. I'm not sure how much this (or Christmas markets in general) is a thing in the USA Hubby said there are a few around. But where I live there are none...well, nobody wants to be outside when it's Winter where I live, so no surprise on my end XD

However, I was wailing a bit in memories because these types of markets are all over the place in Germany, selling food and hand made gifts and are just a nice gathering thing for the holiday times. I kinda miss them and therefore wanted to put my romanticized memories into 'Kitten', even though it was just for a handful of panels....

Well, when done I felt like Sedine deserves some of that German Christmas spirit too. So I drew her with a gingerbread heart as well....although the sayings on those are way more cheesy than what you see here (seriously, they are trashy as hell XD But cute when in love, I guess :P)

The colors I used were weird tho...green is just not my type so I really had to force myself on using it. I think it turned out alright but...I still don't have any visions on how to use green effectively ^^

Also, my apologies for her hair being spotty. My purple copic finally ran out of color. I'm not sure if I move on or buy a refill for it. I kinda wanted to reduce down my makers and work with a limited color scheme....but that pastel purple was always nice for my alpha babes :/ 

Anyway, hope you like it and happy second advent ^^




There are many gingerbread heart vendors online, including ones in Germany. Just search for "gingerbread hearts." Enjoy!


So cute! The green actually looks great. And if you love that purple, refill it! Even if you want to cut down on the colors, you can start elsewhere. Always keep your favorites :3