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third pin up, just in time for the month to be over, wohoo! :D

And this time it’s a (long overdue) male motive OAO....women are still more fun to draw tho ^^’

Patchouli from my second comic, with the final confirmation. Yes, he’s a dude and not a butch girl XD Although I’m not even surprised people thought he’s a girl. I usually don’t draw feminine man...well, aside of Al that is ^^

here is a second version of this illustration, with a blue filter on the character. I like this one more but it’s so dark that many of the details get kinda swallowed :/ But it looks more atmospheric ^^

I originally had a different motive in mind, one where he leaned forward. But I couldn’t make the pose work. So I redid it with a leaning back pose....although, sitting on a steel beam like this is not very safe, imo 0_0

Either way, hope you like this as ‘missing Sunday’ stand in. In December you’ll get three illustrations like this again (since I won’t be able to deliver more than one Sunday comic (if at all >.<) Next time will be two ’in SECURITY’ and one ‘Kitten’, to keep a nice balance :)





Michael Minnott

The results are in and the ladies want more bishonen pinups.