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...I think I’m overthinking things again because there is something missing on this one and I don’t know what :/

I finished this one yesterday, but didn’t post it because I wanted to sleep over it to see what’s wrong....I still don’t know...
But, that might just be me. I mean, things look different in your head and some things are just not your taste. So, there you go. I personally don’t like it too much but I hope it strikes something with you :) 

This was actually an older motive. I kinda pushed it off in favor for simpler motives (those frills might be brushes, but they still take time to adjust and render >.<)

I hope you like it :)

Also, hubby had his first surgery yesterday. Things went well and his eyesight already improved immensely on his one eye. We’ll give you more updates on Friday :)

Thanks for all you well wishes ^^



Serra Britt

Mino is an adorable cat maid! Lovely cleavage window too XD And hoping for the best for Mr. H!

Julius J. Marold

Picture is very good. I like the two in the Kitten strips, the one with her as "Catwoman!" in the black outfit and the recent one with Rup having to ask her something. Both are excellent and would make great pins. Very glad to hear Mr. H is doing well. A friend who writes in ANALOG SF magazine told me that after he had the cataracts removed, he couldn't believe how well he could see and how he wished he had done it sooner. I'm sure Mr. H will feel the same :o)


I'm just glad it could get solved rather 'easily'. I mean, having issues with your vision is such a big deal with day to day life (You most likely know it yourself ^^), He was rather down on the day when he got the diagnosis. But things look bright now...literally ;P