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Two kimono sketches because...I was sad. Sad because that cute washi tape doesn't line up properly ;A; I originally drew the second sketch with the pink Kimono. But after I started adding the tape, it looked not as nice as I thought it would. Due to the way the pattern is layed out I need to make smaller areas where I apply it. So I made a chibi version of that Sedine and tried the tape again.

I tried a different washi motive (which, ironically probably works better on bigger motives XD) but it turned out nice. Guess I have to stick to smaller pattern areas in the future.

The crane washi is still nice for BG motives, tho. 

I also tried a different pen for the outlines. Instead of a multiliner I used a sharpy fineliner. It feels nice drawing. But it spiders a bit on the paper, ugh >.<

But you have to look really hard in order to see that. So I guess I stick to that pen for a while and see where things are going ^^



Julius J. Marold

Very well done Bea. I too like the blue kimono piece. The colors match very well. Thanks for all you do. Hope Mr. H is doing well too. -JJM

Serra Britt

"Spiders a bit on paper" you say, but really? Even knowing it's there I can't see it so come on, please XD But then again I know how easy it is to be a perfectionist, so I'm happy you are willing to share these with us regardless because I still think they are lovely~