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Ok, I'm having a bit of issues as of now. You see...at some point I started to slack on taking photos of my WIPs and I think it started around this arc. apparently, there are still some photos left. But I totally missed the pencil stage and just got around doing the ink photos. Here and there I still get photos of pencils. But it's getting really spotty. My apologies for the inconvenience.

It might not sound like a big bother but taking those darn photos of the WIPs is equally annoying than compiling them (especially when you let it slip for a while and all of a sudden face a giant stack of of old sketches XD





The first and last strip is my favorite 🤣

Nick Klepac

Love this arc, funny and Sedine of course, awesome, even if she has to put up with those hollywood morons.


The last of the whole arc, or of this batch? Local woman is at it again :D


Thank you. Well, morons come in all shapes and sizes...although the wealthy ones are probably tougher than the average moron 0_0