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Next Simptober, this time Mino as a succubus (and my boy Rupert protecting his virginity like a champ XD)

Ok, the request was originally Mino as a demon. But Demon is a pretty vague term, imo. So I settled for some spooky fanservice ^^"

Actually, if you want to see her as another kind of demon, you should tune in on next Monday's 'you've gotta be kitten me!' episode. I took some freedoms and tried something interesting. But beware, it's not cute, or sexy or pretty. But...experimental, I guess :)

I really start to dig the red/black color combo, btw. I was never really into that because both colors are a bit finicky, at least when it comes to copics, which was my main medium for years. Posca pens are a different issue tho. The black is amazing. No gooeyness and it covers so awesomely well. Red is not gooey either but....they don't cover as well as other colors. Losta streaks and stuff. But, man, the colors are so pretty >3< 




I can’t help but think of all the naughty things those two could do with that crucifix

Bazile Nicolas

First the pumpkin carving and now this... Cats really are devilish creatures, I knew it!


Wow! That one is going into the bank!

Denis Gehlhaar

Oh hell! This looks so outstanding! I love her expression. So femme fatale!

Julius J. Marold

Mino needs to go trick or treating... You're right, the red and black do go well together. Black and tan and black and pink are also good combos. Nice work Bea as always.

Joshua McCracken

Love em all, but gonna say this is the best yet. Kitty looking alluring as all hell

Serra Britt

Oh myyyyyyy~! I know I love the playboy bunnies but I think this might be my favorite... ♥_♥