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Guess who got a new pen!

ME!!! I bought a black Posca Pen because my black copic was dying and I wanted to keep a black pen for flat colors. And since I'm super fond of Posca anyway, I thought I might as well get the pen of that brand.

So, to try out this baby, I started drawing a bunny-Sedine. Because, as you know, I like bunny-sedine XD

Anyway...I'm....amazed! That pen is so rich of pigments and covers stuff so nicely, no streaks or discoloration. I had my mind blown.... 0O0

I also got a new skin-color copic (what irony that I just sold my copic collection last year, thinking I will never use them again and, BAM, here I am needing a peachy-skin colored copic XD) I'm not sure if I like that shade tho. Using the warm grey copic for Sedine's skin was actually more stylish...Oh well.

Panyhoses were done in copic too. It's funny, when I was a kid I was obsessed with blending the makers nearly flawlessly....Nowadays I see a lot more beauty in streaky copic art....Guess I'm finally getting artsy-fartsy XD

Different color scheme this time too. I was about to use pink....again. But I figured you might get bored by seeing the same colors. So this time I chose coral. And....it's quite pretty. And fitting for the carrot ^^

Hope you like it. I will post some WIPs later this week and catch up on them. It's just like....they are so time consuming to put together that I kinda put them off a bit....too much and did other tasks instead... ._.
