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Oh, the bake sale arc. Some people loved it....others were scratching their heads about what's going on here XD

This was actually a very old idea. As a matter of fact, we played around with this premise in our first year of 'in SECURITY' but couldn't come up with all the pieces. so we decided to put it off for now.

The base idea was to have the main characters being (unofficial) judges for the local school's bake sale. How they got this honor? Well.....picky Sam spend a lot of cash on the good baked goods in the past. So he kinda got to be known for the one customer which needed to be impressed by the children's baking, so that they would get his funds.

We probably could've done a better establishing of this since a lot of people didn't understand that very premise of this arc....I blame the get up XD

Little easter egg (aside of cookie monster, Pikachu and Sailor Moon etc.). In the third strip of this arc you can spot Rupert, they main character of my other comic, as a kid in the third panel. Not sure if anyone spotted him or if he was (or is) too unknown. But since Gabby had an appearance as an adult in the 'Kitten Project', I thought it would be fun having Rup have one as a child...not gonna lie, for a short time I was toying with the idea of hinting that he could be Hubbs and Ellie's child. I mean, he looks a bit like Hubbs...and he's essentially a crazy cat lady(....or gentlemen?) so it wouldn't be too far off. But then I dropped the idea since I had his mom appear (as a voice tho) in one of the strips and...she's not as sweet as Ellie so.....yeah,not related after all.

Ark, I babble too much XD



Julius J. Marold

Actually, what drew my attention first was the sun glasses, black ties, and suits. I was thinking perhaps they've become government agents? The art is indeed great. You do like to make your backgrounds busy and that can be fun. I'm sure, sooner or later, I'll see Waldo in one of them.

Mike K.

Firmly in the “Loved it!” column here. ✨🥧✨🎂✨🍰✨🧁✨😋✨