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It's 'MerMay'!

Which means that everyone and their mom is drawing mermaids atm....so naturally I have to draw one too XD

OK, it's not like that I didn't like it. It was actually really fun drawing Sed like this. I tried to render the hair with more care and add some highlights this time. Also, I had to force myself not using pink on this one....ugh....piiink. >.<

Actually purple and turquoise looks really pretty. So I don't regret anything.

The fishtail was done with washi tape. I wish I had some with a lighter purple shade. But all my other purple washis had flowers on it and I thought that would looks weird.

I try doing the other gals (and maybe guys) as well, btw :)

Hope you like it ^^



Nick Klepac

Love it Bea. Really like the purple, which of course goes with her hair. I think the dark washi tape looks good, makes it look wet!

Serra Britt

This is absolutely beautiful! And I look forward to more merpeople :3