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a gift from my past self to me....seriously XD

This morning I wanted to do some sketching and when I opened up my color sketch book, this little cutie was in there. I started sketching her a couple weeks ago, got distracted and forgot that I still had this sketch. So I finished it this morning. 

Hope you like this spring-like motive. Sedine with green hair looks trippy 0_0




I do like this motif very much. I always thought Sedine was quite the little pixie to begin with. She does kind of fit the "manic pixie dream girl" trope, in my opinion, so it seems fitting. Thanks for sharing! 😉👍🏻💖


Haha, you think so? I stumpled upon that term recently, but I’m not sure if Sedine fits the description. But I’m kinda biased anyway xD