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Ok, I didn't get this one done in time to upload it with today's kitten-update...but that still won't stop me from uploading it here. Ha-hah!

'You've got to be kitten me!' reached 50K subscribers on Webtoon and overtook 'in SECURITY'....which still baffles me 0_0

But either way I'm really happy and thankful that people enjoy reading both comics. I'm not in competition with myself and appreciate how either project is doing atm.

As a little thank you I wanted to draw another little pin of main gal, Mino. This time not in a Kimono but in a more classy and elegant get up ...

kinda funny, thinking that in the comic she's a wildcat and not elegant at all XD

however, she is a Japanese Bobtail and they don't meow. They sing....well....kinda. So the motive is fitting in its own way ;)

I hope you like it. I'm still working on the Sedine pin for this month and try to get it out by the weekend. Thanks for your patients and thank you for all your support :D



Michael Minnott

I like the Torch Singer motif. Maybe you can use it for other pinups. Charlene would work nice.


You mean like reusing this motive? I'd rather not, since that's always a little cheesy. but maybe I can come up with something similar for our dear Charlie ;)