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...the adventurer who doesn't travel because of her undying thirst for thrill but.... her wish to  avoid people XD

Not colored but a traditional blue sketch because I was looking for future pin up ideas. I kinda liked the idea of Charlene in a Lara Croft get up. Although she would be armed with a camera and not the firearms Lara was totting around XD

Well, despite me working out this particular sketch, I'm not really sold on the overall motive. It looks kinda stiff and  not really....i don't know how to say it, like it's not portraying the full potential....Not that I'm in a hurry finding a motive since Charlene had her pin turn just recently. But still fun playing around.

I thought I show it anyway, especially as a tease of what might come in the future ^^

Hope you like it and have a nice Sunday



Nick Klepac

Beautiful! Like the idea, Love the way you draw women.

Julius J. Marold

Definitely a "tease". The finished version will be great. Nice work as always.