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Bathings suits...even though they don't fit the season...yet. Although isn't today the first day of spring? XD

I just was looking for an excuse to use the burgundy Posca Pen on a base colored area. Sadly, it didn't turn out the way I was hoping to. I guess for stuff like this it's better to have the dark color as the base and add the pattern with a lighter color :/

Well....at least it's Ellie and I hope you like to see her again ^^ 



Serra Britt

This is reminding me that I still need to draw my fox in a casino bunny suit ^^; I love high cut swimsuits so much ♥

Michael Minnott

Ellie would look sexy wearing a potato sack, although she definitely can work the one-piece bathing suit. I like how you tied the design of the suit to her hair band.


Do it!!! :D I like suits like that too. They are sexy but yet so elegant x3


Well, she wore a potato sack in the beginning of her wedding so...yeah, she rocked that outfit too xD Thanks. I’m happy you like the drawing :D