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I hope you didn't expect the snarky Wendy's meme. In case you did....sorry ^^"

Ok, this is more or less an insider joke. A lovely friend of mine made me a Sedine Avatar for VR-chat. Wohoo!!! 

She's not quite in my style (because it's difficult to translate my artwork into CGI), and I let her do whatever she wanted to do. So she put Sedine in a cute, pink loli-dress with pumpkin underpants (because no pantyshots of my girl XD) and....yeah...I wanted to draw her in that dress. sadly, the pink is way to dark/strong and because I wanted to have a dynamic pose you can hardly see any of the lovely details from the front....

Someone called that avatar 'purple haired Wendy' (hence the title). But looking at it, it looks more like a purple haired Alice. ^^

....I love pink <3 
