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Hi there, no I'm not dead. I just realized it's nearly the end of the month and I have not delivered a pin up yet (I just started the drawing, yikes!!!). So I'm a little bitty bit in a pinch atm ._.

Since I ran out of WIPs for the influencer arc, I decided to post an old, unpublished one (which I saved for exactly days like this :))

Sexy new me....oh, these strips are so old. But they still look fairly good to me :)

I hardly remember anything about this arc. except that it was rather fun drawing Sedine's new get up. We wanted to exploit some 'beauty stereotypes a lot of young girls fall for and which do actually look good on people....sadly, not on everyone. But there are people who pull of that look without effort.

Well, Sedine is not one of them apparently XD

I really like how I rendered her lips back then. Also, I love the leopard pattern but...there are not many occasions where we can use it, sadly :(

Anyway, hope you like it. Next week onward I'll probably post some sketches for the $3 patrons as a replacement for the WIPs and as soon as our hiatus is over, we will be back to our usual routine :)



Michael Minnott

Here's an idea for your next pin! Sedine...as a sexy troll! Yeah...no? Okay, I'll just show myself out.

Nick Klepac

Yup, I remember this one. I know what she was trying to do, but she fails to realize that she is beautiful and sexy just the way she is. In fact, I would take Sedine over Ellie any day, well unless it was Halloween and she dressed like a troll.