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Because what could possibly go wrong, right? ;)

This drone strip was the hardest part of this arc. Thankfully I found a CGI-image that was free to use and....yeah, that's how we got 'SED-1' and 'SED-2'

Aside of that, not really lot to say....I think ^^"

The third strip. well...it may look like a sarcastic message, but I actually like the idea of being your own biggest fan. Not SICKO-fan, but, hey, nothing wrong with cheering for yourself to keep up the spirit ^^

Although, Sedine might want to practice some critical self reflection once in a while ;) 



Michael Minnott

Yep, been there. I crashed my brother in law's drone. It didn't explode, just flipped and landed into a mud puddle. I felt bad and bought him a new one.

Nick Klepac

Nothing wrong with liking yourself. If you don't, who will?