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"Yes, I am a game, yes I play girls"

I admit, this part was my favorite part of this arc. I really like Sedine's get up and I like her overall acting.

Personal speaking, I don't really have an issue with the Gamer girl-fanservice culture. I mean, I don't like that every other gamer girl on twitch looks is dressed like SEdine here. Simply because most Gamer girls, who play for fun, really don't dress like this and this whole get up is really more about fanservice rather than about the game that's being played. But I'm not their audience and if people enjoy watching ladies like this, why not.

However, I found that aspect funny (and a good excuse to push my own fanservice in the strip, oh, waht hypocrite I sometimes am XD) So, naturally we had to get over this.

Btw, fun fact that Sedine is totally not a gamer....she is smashing an iMac (not a monitor) and you can't play games on iMacs....unless they are via emulators or such. Sorry Sedine, your fake was exposed XD




Nerd girl! Hooray!

Serra Britt

Too much work to look this way when you could just spend that time playing the games! I stream but people can look at my art instead of me :P