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And the first WIP to our current arc. First my apologies that the pencils of the second strip are missing. I was sure I took a photo of it but....guess not ^^"

This was an idea I had for a while and was based on the ASMR craze that seems to go on for a while now. Personally speaking, I don't know why it's a thing but.....whatever floats your boat, right.

I wanted to poke fun of the whole phenomenon, especially when it comes to the outfits a lot of those ladies wear while whispering in the microphone. So I felt like SEdine would be perfect as trying her luck as a viral ASMR-influencer.

Originally that arc was meant to have only three strips, this starter, Sam busting in and the ART strip. But influencing is a huuuuuge subject which is rich with different genres to play with. So we decided to keep on going and let her do more than just ASMR ;)

I got some criticism over the third strip (of which I don't have a WIP, btw). I accept that some people felt like I went to far. If it eases your mind, the coming strips still have some fanservice in it. But are a lit less gritty.....  at least for my taste (which might be vastly of from your's XD. However, I hope you'll enjoy what's coming :)



Nick Klepac

Good points and folks do need to know what is out there. It is hard to believe how gullible people are. I have to deal with lot of old folks that get scammed and young folks that put stuff out there they shouldn't. They all have the same problem... they trust everyone. They "friended" me so they must be good. They wouldn't lie to me.

Nick Klepac

I love the art and Sedine of course. You always draw her so wonderfully.