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Or 'Fly agaric'...I think.... Hubby said he never saw these mushrooms unless they were in comics like smurfs. So I'm not sure how well known these mushrooms are outside Europe...

Anyway, First Charlene sketch of this year. Yay. I was looking for a cute motive for her and kinda thought of her dressed as a mushroom...because nothing is cuter than mushrooms, right XD

Well, her freckles kinda reminded me of the white dots of the 'Fliegenpilz' and it's usually used as a cute motive (despite being deadly when eaten) so low key it fits Charlene :3

I like the effect of the fading mushrooms behind Charlene and hope I can do something like this more often :O

I hope you like it, have a nice day ^^




Hold the phone! I recognize that breed of mushroom: "Amanita Muscaria" and they are indeed well-known outside of Europe! These particular mushrooms were what inspired the "Super Mushrooms" from "Super Mario" because they have a unique hallucinogenic property in which when they're eaten(At doses below fatal) they give the illusion your body is growing! Great pic by the way, I guess we'll have to call her "Blushroom"! XD

Serra Britt

I can't remember if I have seen these mushrooms outside of Smurfs or Mario, but they are certainly well known to me XD I do quite love the fading effect as well! Looks amazing :)


Gee, I forgot the super Mario brother and the mushrooms there XD Kinda funny that they put so much thought into.....why they choose them for the growing state-thing XD Thanks for letting me know :)


Thank you :) AW, does that mean they are not as special as I thought they'd be? :(