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Happy fourth of Advent and here is the promised Sunday comic from last month. I hope I get the one for this month done by the end of the month too. As of right now it's been inked :)

This one was....a shower thought. Kinda obvious, isn't it ;) 

I hope you are not eating right now but this one was based also on my own live because...as you you can guess, I'm the one in my household who has the long hair. And, naturally, my hair tends to clog the shower drain quite often....Very very often, when  Hubby is taking a shower, he deadass pulled out the clogging hair just to leave it in the shower for me to clean up. I can't tell you how often I walked into our bathroom thinking there is a dead rat in our shower XD

However, as disgusting as this may sound, I felt it's also kinda hilarious so I drafted this comic based off of our own experience.

Originally I had this comic stop at Sedine encountering the clogged drain, claiming there is no proof this is her hair (just to pull out this monster and proclaiming its' their new room mate now).

Hubby felt it's a bit too lame, and suggested to have her use her artistic abilities and sculpt another master piece...out of her hair. It's creepy but...hey, we are talking about the person who brought us Clo-Chi ;)

I hope you like it and have a nice Sunday.




I have to say Sedine does look very cute wearing nothing but one of Sam's shirts... even while doing something as mundane (and silly) as this! I don't remember if you did a pinup of her like that; but if you haven't yet, it would be a good motif! Thanks for sharing!


Oh my