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More Wips. This arc is pretty big but I intend to post all it's wips this month....hopefully.

First the ripped wedding dress....which has nothing to do with fanservice at all XD. Actually, I'm quite proud of myself how Ellie's chest turned out here. Originally I wanted her to have a  puzzled/shocked expression when she busts out of the dress....hubby however pushed more for a derpy face. 

Sedine's hair was a request by hubby too, btw. He was asking of I could give her a more compact hairstyle in order to avoid lotsa toning work. I actually like her hair this way. Although looking at the WIP atm, looks like the flowers started growing within this arc XD

One of the big mysteries of this strip was revealed: MrsEdith is not Hubbs' mom XD. Not that I mind theories or such. But I felt it was time to put this one to rest...while still having fun with it. And apparently, Hubbs' mom is good at poker ;)

The Ring....well, remember the arc in which Charlene lost her ring? Originally that arc was written with Sedine in mind but we quickly switched it over to CHarlene. However, this strip was the original idea for Sedine (although she would've flung away her own ring after asking why Sam never got her an expensive diamond)

The idea was based on my own experience when I lost my first wedding ring. Thankfully it was only made of sterling silver. so no big financial damage....but still :(

Long story short, it was winter and we took some corn for heating in. because it's cold as hell in ND in the winters, my fingers got numb and my ring slipped off disappearing forever in our garage...however, if you ask my husband he would claim that I flung my arm around and lost the ring that way...I leave it up to you who to believe tho XD

Real question is....will Sedine ever find those rings again?



Julius J. Marold

Great piece. I think the "derpy" look can be attributed to Ellie being able to breathe again after the release :o)


Ellie can't be contained. Yet "Al" could be... Love comic magic.