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Mini arc is mini. Lotsa people were criticizing that we went a bit too fast we Ellie getting pregnant and, I get it. I think people wanted to see them dating and being lovey dovey and all that stuff. But quite frankly, we had no plans of going into their dating life :/

However, I do own up on the hyper speed this pregnancy took. Originally we had a m ini arc in between this and the Vegas arc (a story in which Sedine plays the lottery ;)). But because Vegas turned out longer than expected, that arc got axed for now...

In the next book, we will rearrange  the arc order a bit tho, in order to fix the pacing.

Not much to say about the two strips. My husband portrayed Ellie more dark and angry. But I didn't like that. I thought she would be more upbeat...if that's the right word. 

People calling us out for repeating the same Charlene route but...I think Ellie is more aping Charlene due to her back story. Also, the shotgun theme might be a repeat (because I find it a silly circumstance which get's sillier for Ellie being out of character). But the overall character interaction is different (and so will be the wedding). So I don't really have issues with this. Not sure how you feel about it. Feel free to share your thoughts tho :)



Julius J. Marold

I like the arc. And Ellie getting pregnant is fine. After all, if McEldowney's Eda can get pregnant, why not Ellie? That's the way things are supposed to evolve.


I don't have an issue with their narrative getting a quick pivot to marriage and family. We've actually seen them "dating" for a year. I imaged their amused conversations "the morning after" as taking pleasure in some of their mutual confusion. That they trigger such strong reactions, even at a table in the background, or on the escalator, confirms what a fabulous story this has been. Love the long arc. The only nit I would pick is Hubbs speaking of uncertainty. We know how certain he is. Still, that is very minor. He had to trigger the appearance of the shotgun somehow. ;-p


Thank you. Let’s just hope her pregnancy doesn’t drag on too long or people get impatient with me again ^^”


Thank you. My husband argues from the same side, the two were dating in the past. But I understand that people could feel like there is something missing. And about Hubb’s uncertainty....I think you explained it pretty good too. Although it is a bit out of character....maybe he tried to play mature ;)