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This is a trimmed down request by Pequod.

A Jazz assemble was the original request but after looking at the instruments....I had to throw the towel. The drum-set alone would've killed me...let alone drawing 8 more characters with more instruments @_@

But since I owe you guys I didn't want to throw the request all together and tried to work out a version of it which hopefully suits all of us ^^

Gabby as tenor sounded really hilarious so I wanted to draw her for sure. Sam on the ivories sounded really dreamy and gentle. Not sure why but it's a nice idea for him :3

First I had him on a proper piano and her on top of the closed lid. But then I thought it would be funnier having him sit on a miniature piano like Schroeder from 'the Peanuts'....although Sam doesn't sit as unhealthy as Schroeder does XD

I hope you like it. One more Inktober request to go and we are done for this year. Wohoo!!! :D




Wonderful! Sam at the ivories is calm and contented. A brief break from his trying dear-heart, Sedine. Gabby sings to the tune Sam plays, while we can imagine lyrics sincere or sarcastic, as we may. Thanks so much for the tremendous Inktober fun. The month went out in style with this and the great Bob Dylan's fabulous Chicago concert on Wednesday. Cheers!


Aaaw, that's adorable!