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Or "Spooky Umbrella" :)

Charlene and Micha as Parasoul and Umbrella from 'Skullgirls', a request by Alexander

This one was fun, lotsa fun. First I wanted to make it a cute motive. But then I thought...nah, Micha should make a silly face because brain freeze. I really love how it turned out ^^

I think another reason this was fun was that the artstyle of 'Skullgirls' is totally up my alley. I always wished to draw like this or develop a style like that. Well, my skills had a different plan for me. But I still enjoy artwork and characters that are drawn that way :)

This is #21 of this year's Inktober. Only two more days to go, but I will provide four more motives. 

Tomorrow will be a random request of Webtoons (if you are not a Patreon supporter but like to make a request, feel free to post it in the comment section here: https://www.webtoons.com/en/challenge/in-security/bonus-your-inktober-request-here/viewer?title_no=85037&episode_no=761 

I will choose my pick tomorrow morning. so there is still some time ;))

The day after tomorrow will be a Halloween motive and the first two days of November I'll do the last two requests I skipped last week.

Just saying so nobody is confused what's going on atm :>



Nick Klepac

Beautiful. Love the brain freeze...