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A Sunday on a Monday...I’m trying to figure out how I managed yet again to blow the Sunday deadline (even only by a day) ....even for such a simple comic. And the only answer that pops into my mind is:

Yes, it’s all Anime’s fault, because I watch way too much of it these days XD

But that was  ultimately also the source of inspiration for this joke. I’m usually a Dub-person. But I watch stuff in its original language if there is no dub (yet) as well. 

Recently I watched the sub of ‘Osomats-san’ (an anime I only found interest in due to its catchy and well put together opening themes, btw XD). I was quite blown away how great the voice actors sounded and how beautiful it made the language to me that I indeed told my husband that I want to learn it....

well, you guessed it, the very same dialogue, shown in this comic, came out of our conversation (seriously, when hubby is passionated about something he can talk like a waterfall. I’m on the other side are like: ‘yeah, trains are cool and stuff....’   XD

(I still wanna learn Japanese. But I’m afraid my brain is not cut out for memorizing such complex stuff....I mean, I only learned English because I was forced to use it in my daily life ....otherwise I would still suck at it as well....meh!)

Anyway, I hate myself for the first panel. It looks like Anime drawn by hacks who doesn’t know anything about the medium XD But I was worried if I draw it properly people would think it’s a j-drama....or something like this....(of course, looking at it in hint sight, I should’ve tried doing some 90’s style parody....

Ok, never mind XD

I hope you like it. (and in case you want to learn Japanese as well, I hope we didn’t crush your spirit with this joke ;P)



Josh Nickerson

I don't watch too much anime, but when I do, I always go for dubs. I like to focus on the action rather than distract myself by reading subtitles.


How does Sedine know that? I know why you know it Bea, because you rock! :D (I don't want to make any assumptions though, but has Japanese ever been a popular language in Germany due to their past "alliance"? I ask out of pure curiosity)