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And the second batch of Vegas WIPs.

The first strip pretty much stands for itself. I didn't change  a lot. But I tried to stick closely to the 'Paris Paris' place in Vegas....well, Ellie had high hopes on this one, I guess ^^

The second strip....this one was an after thought. We wanted the gang to follow up to Vegas, but didn't plan on putting them into outfits at first. Most of the characters were already correctly identified: Sam as Hunter S. Thompson, Sedine as Audrey Hepburn, Micha as the Tiger of Siegfried and Roy and Gabby as Elvis. Roy is just a gangster/greaser with no particular character in mind. And Charlene is....Nico Robin in her Movie6 outfit. Originally I had no character for Char in mind either. Instead I wanted to dress her as a elegant tourist. However, after roughing it she reminded me of Robin in the outfit from said Movie. So I changed her into the proper outfit (although you hard see said outfit anyway. But still XD)

Gutter Gals....Did it work? Did I successfully faked you out about never showing a strip club from the inside? XD T

The original punchline I had in mind for this strip was 'It's like 'Chix 'n Wings' just with better tips and more plastic'. But Hubby didn't like that one so we settled with a more innocent line. People were questioning why Hubbs would want to go to a strip club with his fear of women. I'm not sure where they came from tho. I mean, yeah, he's innocent and cute but...he's a dude who likes pretty ladies too. I somehow can imagine him wanting to go to one of those 'naughty places' but never had the courage to. So the whole scene sounds like Hubbs to me :/

And the last strip. Not too much to say about this one either. We wanted to portray that Ellie's patients is running thin and that Hubbs is still hooked on her....despite his 'Gutter Gals' distraction...oh, the pain.....

Also, three easter eggs. Hatsune Miku and Sailor Venus were correctly identified....but nobody got Karamatsu in between the two....The lack of Karamatsu girls in my audience is disturbing (ಠ_ಠ).......But on the other side, he's tiny and kinda shitty drawn there.....



Nick Klepac

Very well played so far. This arc is way fun. I get my coffee and watch it play out. Love the art and the Hubbs/Al conversations. Poor Ellie, I'm really surprised she hasn't totally blown up yet. I love the strip joint addition even though I find those places boring - the women really don't look real in those places and their personalities are even worse. Love what you are doing with this story!