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Ok, not really an Inktober but a worked out sketch instead. Hey, I don't want to neglect you here :)

Why is it worked out? Well...When I did the Giant Gabby Robot I used a pink Posca Pen for the highlights in her hair and....I totally fell in love with the thing *0* In case you don't know, Posca Pens are paint pens with acrylic ink inside. I bought this one for book signings, but never used it for anything else. However, after using it on Gabby's hair and realizing how neat it it looks when you draw over black areas with it, I wanted to use that pen for some more stuff. So I layed out a motive with bunny Sedine and planned on blacking out her hair just to add pink highlights in it...I don't regret one big. This motive was really fun and I love how it turned out.

Funny think, I just sold most of my Copic Marker this summer because I felt like digital artwork is more fun and  up to my style....Now I'm contemplating getting more Posca Pens and drawing sketches and small motives like this more often. I guess I never get away from traditional artwork after all XD

I hope you like it :)




great work.

Julius J. Marold

Very nice indeed. A good artist uses many tools to portray her art. You're doing just great.