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A lot of people were wondering if this is the arc everyone was waiting for. My answer for that is ....maybe ;)

This arc was planned for for a long time. But once we got to working out the details, we made some rather big change. Originally it was Hubbs who won the tickets to Vegas. However, since Roy is such a jackass, we felt like it's time that he pays for his sins....in some way. So instead he's the one getting the tickets and instead of getting a babysitter he helps his suffering friend (Sam) and his clueless friend (Hubbs) out....although the bigger plothole would be why Roy never got involved into this mess and cleared things up....well, let's not talk about this ^^"

When Hubbs went to Ellie with the tickets, my husband had Ellie in her Al outfit. However, I thought it would be nicer if Hubbs went to her right in the morning. so she was wearing her bathrobe. I was thinking of having Hubbs say something like 'nice robe, btw'. But that would just be too much dialogue  and we should concentrate on the main theme anyway. 

I have to say, I was really happy when someone on Webtoons said how much they would've cried when their friend would've acted like Al and took them as their most dearest person. Ugh, sorry for the weird sentence. I hope you get what I mean ^^). That's exactly how I wanted the audience to see these two. yeah, the main gag lies in Ellie crossdressing and Hubbs not getting it. But I also wanted that people see the two as some sort of a bromance...

The Denver strip....well....I'm amazed how many people didn't get it. But then again, it's nice how so many people are still innocent at hearts ^///^

Technically Hubb's dialogue that he never was a huge Denver (Broncos) fan is semi off. Later in this arc he will refer to a player who actually played for the Broncos. Granted, it's a parody but still. My husband sees it more like that Hubbs admired the player but never really cared for the team. But still. I already see people calling us out on this flaw ^^

And finally, Buxor. This was a joke the fans got before I did 0_0

When my husband gave me the thumbnail I thought 'Buxor' referred to Roy's familyname Buxton....therefore the Gabby sphinx...

later in the comments I learned that it actually meant 'Bucks or....(GTFO)'....please don't tell anyone about this XD     



Nick Klepac

Don't really care what anyone else things about this whole story line. I think it is great. Filled with great art, humor, awesomely funny dialogue, and suspense. I can't count the number of times I was wrong on which was this thing is going and that makes it fun! Great job!