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Man, this is just a dirty joke ready to happen...yet, it didn't happen and that makes me happy XD

The title was a reference to 'Invasion of the saucer men' since the monster Sam is portraying is basically one of the...saucer men...I admit, I have never seen the movie. The choice to use that design was entirely my husband's since he thought they look bizarre but yet neat enough for this.

We wanted to have another monster hunter arc and I think this one is rather cute. However, seems like it doesn't do too well with the audience, judging by the likes and pageviews over on Webtoons....oh, the shame....well, but we still enjoy it. So at least someon's happy :)

My favorite strip is the one with Gabby searching for the monster under the bed. I like the compositions although....nobody noticed the door that mysteriously switches from one wall to another XD. I actually caught that mistake in time but....for the neat shot's sake I didn't correct it....sacrifices for art.

I'll post the remaining WIPs of this arc on Monday. After all, I don't want to spoil the ending for you ;)



Nick Klepac

The whole arc is great. Reminds me of stuff I did with my little ones when they were growing up. My #1 daughter was not afraid of monsters until she grew up. My #2 was terrified when she wall little and now watches horror movies all the time. My #3, well that is another story in itself.

Nick Klepac

I love the art in especially in this arc and the interaction between Roy and Micha with little Gabby's input in the form of a question. Then Gabby's search under the bed is the best, I agree.


#3 became a monster! :D ok, that’s rude and I didn’t mean to say that with evil intent. But to our parents, we always were the monsters ;)