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No babysitting arc because....I only saved one WIP of it ._. ...sorry

But I nearly got the whole 'Groundhog's slay', wohoo!!!

This arc was fun to draw....but also hit a bit too close to home, since it was based on our recent experience with groundhogs (actually, pocket gophers) in our yard. Spoiler, it's their yard now. we gave up the fight :(

I was very happy how readers reacted to this arc. Although I expected more people to shout 'RELATABLE!!!' XD

My favorite strip was the one with the gas. I love Sedine's expressions and just the amount of jokes and details in it. Although, some people questioned how Micha knows about Pompeii....honestly, the real question is, how does your 3 year old does NOT know about Pompeii? Guess you got some teaching to catch up to ;P

Also, some toilette humor. According to my husband that's what we German's are into (no, he's not referring to the 'Werner' cartoons, btw ;P). Big irony, it's a legit way to get rid of groundhogs....but it didn't help in our case :( 



Nick Klepac

I loved this arc because Sedine has so many emotion changes in it. I laughed a lot. Loved the burnt look. I really enjoyed the surprised look on Micha's face (thank goodness she didn't get burned) and her sister's humor; good ole Gabby.


I’ve been reasoning with the gophers that infest my backyard but , so-far, they don’t listen to any of my arguments!