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This arc was not based on the mobile game....just to let you know <,<

Actually, the arc was based on two events of our lives/my husband's live.

The first strip did happened nearly 1:1 to my husband. We used to have an elderly couple living next door (God bless their souls), he was a talkative softy while she was a rather shy but strong arming woman. Well, they had a huge apple tree in their backyard and needed to get the apples down before frost was supposed to hit on that following night. Needles to say who called first and what my husband's reactions was....to both calls ;)

To tell you the truth, I thought this anecdote was really funny and, back when I drew the 'in SECURITY' characters solely for myself, I always dreamed of using this story to introduce Charlene with. Apparently, that idea was dropped. But I'm glad that we could use the idea after all....with sweet old Granny Smith ;)

The second event was the actual 'Fruit Ninja'-thing. Across our property are two small cherry trees. They are on city property and nobody picks the cherries....during daytime. There is this one old lady who used to literally picked those cherries over night, while nobody was watching. I'm not sure why she did that that way because, nobody but her was taking the cherries and I doubt anyone would've mind. But then again, small town and there might be someone who will complain because 'CiTy ProPeRtY!1!!' So perhaps she didn't want the fruits go to waste but also not to draw attention to her taking them either....but we knew...all along ;) (but since snitches get stitches, we never told anyone XD)

In the end of this arc, we wanted to give the arc a sweeter ending. I mean, apparantly Roy set up the two Fruit Ninjas, but he also didn't mind them picking his fruits....and even got a pie out of it. I mean, I call that a win-win :D

Strangely enough, while people on Webtoons enjoyed the sweet ending, it felt like people on Go were rather cold about it. Not sure why do, I guess different age groups view different stories....in different ways....so much difference ^^

What do you think about this?



Serra Britt

I think someone suggested that Mr. and Mrs. Smith were the ones from that action movie. But I forget the name of it!


"Granny Smith", how did I miss that? XD At this point I thought she might be "Great Granny Smith". Not a lot of fruit trees in my area, but sounds like a nice story, and I hope we see the Smiths again, Ms. Edith can't hold all the old school history.