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WIP-dumb :D

This arc was originally planned as a Sunday comic. Basically the first one would've been the intro panels and the third strip the whole Sunday.

I always imagined Roy to be a guy who likes fishing. But it's kinda contradicting to his character...or is it? So I always imagined him seeing it like an extreme sport. one where he always has to be alert...Big Foot was just a little punchline thrown into it :)

I thought it was quite funny how people spotted the price tag. It's a insider joke when it comes to Big Foot footage because everyone and their mom claims that they can see the price tag in those videos (if you ever have time, check out that dude's YouTube channel https://www.youtube.com/user/ThinkerThunker. He analyses Big Foot footage in a real interesting way. Although in some cases he's too far off with debunking the debunkers as well....but it's still quite a cool guy :))

Back to the strip. The later part of this arc was new and freshly added to the story. Same thing goes for the appearance for Big Sal. I admit, when brainstorming this arc I was for letting the fish go too....and my husband gave me the very same line Sedine said 'this ain't no Disney movie!' (well, actually it was 'everyone let's the fish go....not us') Poor Sal.

The last strip...was a pain. All....those...cars ;^;

But admit, you didn't see this coming ;)



Nick Klepac

It was a really funny and fun arc. I liked all the outdoors detail and of course Sedine screwing up and the guys sort of shunning her. Of she had turn around and get the biggest fish, which was awesome! Interesting to see how Sedine and Roy get so excited and Sam is just laid back.


Thank you. I'm glad you like it. Also, I added the WIPs as attachments. They should be able to be downloaded in full size


One of my favorite story arcs.