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And now I’m pooped xD

Good news and bad. Good news, I packed 50 envelopes with the Gab-bee stickers and they are ready to roll.

Bad news....I was short five stickers ;A;

Don’t worry, I already placed an order for an additional 10 Gab-bees and wait for approval of the printer. So everything is being handled.

The five candidates who are left out for now are also eligible for strips. But for now I’m done with packing and will take care about that next weekend. (I will contact those who are affected by this delay. But I’m sure you know who you are ^^)

Meanwhile, those guys go onto their journey tomorrow :)

Also, please check your PM box. I had a couple patrons who were eligible for merch packs and just want to make sure I sent out the right packs :)

I’ll post this month’s pin up within the next days. Tomorrow comes the WIP post. Sorry for the delay. I’ll get to all of it :) 



Serra Britt

You are amazing :)


Thanks for letting us know