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Sorry for the late post about it. You may have seen it already, but in case you haven't, we have a new Sticker promotion. Wohoo!

You can find all needed details in this Webtoons entry about it.


But essentially it's like our 'Sailor Sedine'-sticker offer. New patrons can get this sticker if they sign up and support us on the $3 tier this month. And all our existing patrons on said tier qualify already.

We still have Sailor Sedine stickers left, although fewer than the new Gabby Sticker. But if you missed out on Sed and rather bring her home, drop me a PM and I get that arranged.

$5 patrons (new and old ones) can get both sticker (assuming you didn't get the SEdine sticker back in February. Please don't double dip ^^)

On a different note, a couple people contacted me and told me they never received their Sedine sticker earlier this year. The reasons that happened was because I either didn't have an address and assumed there was no interest, the pledge declined/didn't go through in time and I didn't noticed it  (my apologies for that) or the letter simply got lost in the mail.

Whatever happened, you are still eligible for the Sedine  sticker. So please feel free to contact me so I can reserve what's rightfully your's. You guys will have the priority on the remaining stock. I'm kinda positive that we won't run out of the Sedine sticker. But there is always a chance. so, please keep that in mind ^^

Also, little reminder about our Patreon merch packs!!!

I know some folks are due for them...I just don't know who exactly @_@.

 If you are on the $5 tier and with us for 12+ month, please feel free to drop me a PM with your choice of a reward.

 Either the pack from 2018 (of which we are running low on the keychain)

Or our new pack for 2019

Don't be shy. I'm an airhead but that doesn't mean I bite :)

Anyway, thanks for your attention and I hope you enjoy the little selection of offers. Thanks for your support and have a great rest of the week :)





I need to see if it's been a year yet for me, think I'm getting close

Mr. Impatient

I think I'm coming up on a year also.


yep, you are due already, in fact :). Feel free to tell me what set you'd like. I will bundle it with the sticker and sent it all out together next month ^^


Wait....you never got a set? 0_0 On your tier you should've gotten one already. I will arrange that asap and send it out together with the Gab-bee sticker.