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Guess someone gets defriended on Facebook soon XD (don't feel too sorry for Sedine. Charlene will pay this act of cowardliness back to her ;))

I have to admit, I kinda like that for a change it's not Sedine who's overly hysterical.

Also, little side note, Charlene usually wears two rings (originally three) One on each hand. Foe this arc I removed all of her rings so people wouldn't get confused about seeing a ring on the other hand....I kinda hated that because it's not her >.<"  



Michael Minnott

Can't wait for Charlene's revenge. It will need a Wrath of Khan reference.

Nick Klepac

Charlene needs a payback. Sedine is not being a friend! Not good. Of course can't blame Sedine for being this way - after all they created her being this way - killing Clo-Chi, conspiring among themselves. Good going Sedine.... next!


It’s coming (Although I’m not sure it will be like you expect it ^^”)


Clo-chi is still alive...in our hearts....and in their closet. He shall return (golly, in this comic everyone is trolling everyone xD)