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Ok, I gonna post all the WIPs I owe you into this comment section. I'm sorry I didn't post them earlier. Not gonna lie, the sticker place where I ordered the 'Sailor Sedine'-stickers had a great special so I needed to finish a motive literally over night in order to profit from it...that was not a good idea since these kinds of speed drawings can really tear on you ^^ 

However, I made it and got the motive together....which you won't see until our next book is out. hehe (I hope you can wait that long ;P)

About the WIP. This arc was based on one of my husbands past cats (not sure if I already told you). It was a giant black tomcat....that hated mailmen....for whatever reasons. As far as I know, it tended to chase them off the property, but wouldn't cross a certain line. I thought that was quite hilarious, so this little cutey, I mean beast was born.

The cat of my husband didn't tear through storm doors or ate mail. But due to it's size and aggressive behavior it must've been quite scary. However, according to my husband it was also very loving at times. I tried to get those two aspects into this cat...although his loving side was only triggered by respect (or is it fear?)

I knew you guys would enjoy the hotpants from strip#2....so we decided to bring them into the actual arc. Say thank you, to Mr. Beast ;)

One of the most difficult things to draw in this arc was....the mini motorbike. People got the type right, which made me quite happy....yet, I hope to never draw one of those again >.<

Also, we wanted a semi happy end, by Sedine befriending the brutal cat and revealing that she was just bait for it's anger (because no other mailmen dared to deliver in that neighborhood....I'm not sure if that played as well as we hoped to, tho ^^

Also, I'm adding all the Comment files as attachment, just in case you have troubles viewing them :)

Thanks for reading and have a great day ^^ 





Went Brown

An attack cat? That's a novelty

Mike K.

You guys should have a contest to name it. ✨💖✨