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Hello everyone.  Just dropping an update on how my mom is doing.

We moved from the east coast back to the midwest a couple days ago.  My mother, wracked with breast cancer in almost every organ, was prescribed estrogen blockers and it gave her a new surge of health by shrinking the tumors (which feed on estrogen).   Where she was claiming to be near death and sometimes unable to move or function, she now has plenty of energy again and can move around and do things.

The doctor said it will give her 6-18 months of life, but that it is a temporary measure.  She is beyond operation-level cancer and is awaiting her end.  She also didn't want chemo, to waste her life being listless and feeling ill.  So now she has some time and vigor again.  Her mind is clear, her eyesight keen, but the cancer exists and will conquer her one day.

We are caught up on work at this moment.  If she begins to fall into a deterioration, we might need another hiatus.  We hope not to have another hiatus, though.

Our schedule was shoved around due to her sudden attack, and our travel.  Bea and I moved back a series of Sam-Sedine stories dealing with Sam's job and a trip to Japan... we are now discussing moving it back into the schedule again.  The Japan trip will have a lot of background work and design, so we have to have an open schedule.  And then we get to the Hubbs conclusion in September/October and a mega-arc through the end of the year.

You'll just have to find out how it works out as we toddle along though this odd year.

Nerdy details: this year concludes our first, major arc of the 5-year initial run.  This is the year of Hubbs & Ellie.  Surprises galore, we hope.  The second book is still scheduled for December/January and will have everything through New Year 2020.

Then we reset our approach and ramp up for the final arc spanning those last two years.  2021 will be unlike the other years, I believe.  It will be a complex undertaking for any comicstrip artist.  

Beyond January 2022, we still plan to continue in part or full time, depending on income from the series.  I think we'll take a hiatus for 4-6 months and then get back to it.  It all hinges on what comes along.  We have some stories for beyond 2021.

Enjoy our kitty cat photo taken at my mother's house and thanks for all your support.


Mike K.

That cat has an Infinity Stone for an eye. ☄️💫✨


Thank you so much for your thoughts, prayers and kind words. We really appreciate your support. :D