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Hello, everyone.

I'm posting to give you info on the hiatus: who, what, why, when, etc.  It's crummy that we have had to pull a hiatus, but events were urgent and interfered with our schedule for the first time in 2.25 years of daily "in SECURITY" production.

Last year my brother came down with MUMPS, which led to a serious immune system compromise, which led to vasculitis and other troubles.  He recovered and is still recovering, though he is mostly recovered and can function 80% of what he did before his problems.  This year it is my mother (who lives with my brother) who fell ill suddenly--CANCER--and is rapidly declining.  We got a call from her declaring that she feels as if she might die any moment, so we had to put down everything and move 1500 miles again.

Her condition is bad and getting worse every few days.  She is still going through tests and diagnosis, so we don't have a solid idea of where this is going, but it doesn't look good.  She wants to refuse treatment and pass away.  Prognosis is bad.  She might still be around today, but she could pass away any moment by the way she talks.  It goes up and down, but her strength and ability are ever declining over the past week.  She could last a week, a month, maybe even more, but I would guess she is gone within a month.

In the meantime, we continue to work on the comic strips, BeaR is doing a Sunday and pin up art.  However, we get called away for all sorts of tasks and concerns in this house, and my brother's health is in decline again (probably due to stress).  Everything is chaotic at this time.

"in SECURITY" was planned to be 5+ years of dailies, but we will have to interrupt a with a few weeks of hiatuses between now and my mother's passing/recuperation.  At this very moment the comic is held up by me: I have to finish backgrounds and tones on the next rung of 8.  MONDAY we hope to have new strips going for over a week.   The hiatus will end NOW, basically.

A future hiatus might start anytime after, depending.  We hope to get ahead enough that we won't have another hiatus, but don't count it out.  If another hiatus comes up, it will probably be for another week during the funeral process.

After that, we will hopefully get back on track and continue through the year.

A couple. small, stories will be cut.  They will be moved back into 2020 or beyond. 

That's about all I have to say about it.  Our journey through the comic is getting derailed a little at this time, but we will get back in the groove shortly.

Thank you for your patience and patronage.



URGENT-First off I'm sorry I didn't see this before, but if your mother has cancer try giving her the vitamin B-17, most commonly found in apricot kernels. It's been known to treat cancer, in some cases even eradicate it, give it a chance and maybe it could help your mother, please, I can understand if you're skeptical, but it could make a world of difference!

Mike K.

So sorry you’re going through all of this, and all at once, too.