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She'll show you how to cheat on your taxes...and to do that with lotsa sparkle! :D

To be honest, I actually like the craft supplies from the Martha Steward line....just not the price tag <,< But the pearly paint is really nice (no, I'm not one of her worshippers....really ^^")



Julius J. Marold

It's "altar" vice "alter" but that's okay, the point and the joke are made. Very nice detail.


(Mr. H) OH CRAP. Another one. Those are my fault. The problem with such spellings isn't that I don't know how to spell, it is that I am not paying attention when lettering (usually when beaR is talking to me simultaneously) and then I blindly accept the lettering is correct and read it over and over without any real attention to what I actually lettered. Sometimes letters or words are lost, but it usually is misspellings.


Well, I, for one, love what you both do and I appreciate all the work you put into this wonderful comic. All I can say is hang in there despite all the adversity, and please keep up the good work! Danke Schön, Dziękuję Bardzo, and Thank You Very Much!! ^_^