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Sorry for the delay. I had some issues with the file format. CSP doesn't accept the HEIC format and my mac is a bit buggy, so tranfering one file format to the other is a bit of a pain in the butt...I think I need to tidy up my PC since I'm a bit of a data hoarder and, although compared to audio and video my files a fairly small, it adds up ^^"

Anyway, this was my favorite strip of the Hubby lobby arc and I'm glad it was in it. Although I imagined it's setting a bit different.

I found it was important to add this scene as Sam's sirene song since it features Sedine as his bride. Not so long ago someone was criticizing that Sam hardly gives Sedine the love and attention she needs, which makes him appear rather disinterested. That person had a point. Sam is very low key and does not express his feelings and his love like other characters do. While Hubbs dreams about Ellie and Sedine physically clings onto Sam, Sam doesn't do anything like his at all. He hardly even says it out loud that he loves Sedine although he feels that way. It's simply his character and I have my troubles portraying him accordingly without having him acting OOC.

I think this is a good scene to show him off. While he dwells on  the cake, he also has Sedine there Because, well, a wedding cake is only an ordinary cake unless you have your loved spouse on your side, right? ^^



Mike K.

Love the use of tone in Panel #3, for personal reasons. ✨


Sedine makes a beautiful bride


I'm glad you like it ^^ I hope we will find many more uses in near future too. Actually, one of the tones might come in very handy soon. Can't wait to see your reaction ;)