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Meme-culture....it's weird.

This strip was actually inspired by the YouTuber HeyImBee  (You should check her out. She's adorable...most of the times :P) https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC3otv50sBsnMrFbZNwawApQ

In some of her videos in which she played 'VR Chat' she was swarmed by lotsa players who wore the 'Uganda Knuckles' skin. That was, as far as I know, a big phenomenon in the beginning of the year and happened to plenty of female players. Similar mob events happened with multiply players using the same skins and trolling others (such as penguins, kitties, Forrest Gumps XD etc.) But the Knuckles one was the one meme that caught my attention (man, I wish I had a PC to play 'VR chat' now XD

Of course, in our version it's the Gab-bee which are swarming their Queen bee....guess it's not a good idea to flee online when running away from a meme :P

Originally I wanted Sedine to wear a skin representing her old bat design. However, since the Gab-bees are calling for their Queen Sedine needed to wear a crown. So she's wearing a Bowsette skin....mixed with her original outfit :P 



Nick Klepac

I thought this was the best the Gab-bee arc. Here is our favorite lady trying to escape. Bad idea. She looked hot in the first panel, but goodness that last panel is amazing. Is that how she sees herself?

Mike K.

So much thought goes into every aspect of this strip. ✨💖✨


Yeah, I'd say so. In her head she looks like Ellie...while in reality...she's more a betty boop :3